Bishop’s Cross Award
Judith Andrews
Diocesan Chancellor

When asked if the Chancellor works for the bishop or the Diocese, Judy Andrews answers, without hesitation – the Diocese. This has been her approach throughout her tenure as Diocesan Chancellor.

While also serving in many capacities at Saint Mark’s Cathedral – on the Foundation, Building, and grounds committee, serving as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, leading the Labyrinth ministry, participating in Creation Care Ministry and the Flower Guild – she has always been available not just to the bishop but to clergy and congregations throughout the Diocese who needed legal assistance and answers.

While Judy is one of the top non-profit attorneys in the state, and truly in the country, a central tenet to her work is that it’s not just about the law; most importantly, it’s about people and relationships. All of it is holy work for her – the law is not an abstraction but is always about maintaining and serving the people of the Diocese.

Increasingly over the years, Judy’s work for the church has extended beyond our Diocese to the wider Episcopal Church, where she has served faithfully on a variety of committees, including some of the most challenging, for instance, around issues of verbal and sexual abuse. Judy has served as chair of the Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation, and Safe Church Committee, in which she was critical in drafting the model policies on sexual harassment that were adopted at convention. Judy worked with and oversaw the creation of the new Safe Church Training by Praesidium in close collaboration with the Department of Formation of The Episcopal Church.

Our Diocese has been truly blessed to rely on Judy’s expertise and knowledge as we endeavor, always, to keep our people safe and protected in the Diocese of Olympia.

This, of course, is all in addition to Judy’s invaluable service and contributions as a member of the Board of Directors and legal counsel to the Bishop’s Office. No matter the circumstance, Judy steps in with wisdom, kindness, and integrity. We thank you, Judy, for your deep and faithful commitment to this Diocese, the church, and all of its people. And it is my great honor to award you with the Bishop’s Cross.