Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest
The 114th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
October 25-26 | Tacoma Convention Center and Marriott Hotel Downtown Tacoma
Rest. Engage. Pray. Over the last two years, we have been busily engaged in the work of transition, listening, discerning, and preparing to begin a new season as the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia. As we cross the threshold into a new life together with a new bishop, it’s tempting to rush forward without first taking stock of where we are and where we’re heading. Instead, let us heed Christ’s invitation: “Come to me, and I will give you rest.”
In this 114th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, join us as we come together after a season of transition to rest in Christ, to engage deeply in the meaningful work of the Diocese, and to pray together as a community, heeding the call of our Savior and striking out in a new direction together. Learn from one another at workshops, celebrate milestones in the life of our Diocese, worship with Episcopalians across Western Washington, and hear from Bishop LaBelle as he begins his journey with us in the Diocese.
Rest. Engage. Pray.
The 115th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia will be held online and is scheduled for Saturday, October 25, 2025.
Convention Live-Streams
Convention 2024: Friday, October 25
Convention 2024: Saturday, October 26
Convention Wrap-Up
The 114th annual convention took place Friday and Saturday, October 25-26, 2024, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. Those gathered participated in workshops and a plenary with Bishop Phil LaBelle centered on how congregations can become the communities we long for and make a difference in our lives and in our world.
Convention members heard reports from the diocesan treasurer, the Personnel Commission, the Standing Committee, and the Racial Justice Task Force. Changes to parochial reports were reviewed, and a report on our 2023 resolution to the General Convention regarding enhanced access to the denominational health plan was heard. Our Episcopal Relief and Development coordinator also provided an update, and the Saint Mark’s Cathedral dean spoke briefly to those gathered.
Convention Evaluation
Please fill out the following Convention Evaluation.
Convention Resolutions with Actions
Resolution 1 – 2026 Diocesan Assessment Rate (adopted as submitted)
Sets the 2026 diocesan assessment rate factor at 14.5% of the Net Disposable Income (NDI).
Resolution 2 – Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to Clergy Salary Scale for 2025 (adopted as submitted)
Sets the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2025 parochial clergy salary scale and Office of the Bishop staff salary scale at 3.8%. 2025 Parochial Clergy Salary Scale will be available on the diocesan website.
Resolution 3 – A Call to the Church for Action Toward Ceasefire and a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine (postponed indefinitely with 176 voting in favor of postponing, and 143 opposed)
Full Resolutions Can Be Read Here
Courtesy Resolutions were read and adopted as submitted. Full Courtesy Resolutions Can Be Read Here
Unless otherwise noted: three-year terms for Commission on Ministry and Diocesan Council, four-year terms: for Standing Committee; officers are elected annually.
- Commission on Ministry lay order: Maria Weber, St. John the Baptist, Seattle
- Commission on Ministry clergy order: The Rev. Ruth Anne Garcia, St. James, Kent
- Diocesan Council Columbia Reg. Ministry: Kay Flores, St. Timothy, Chehalis
- Diocesan Council Eastside Regional Ministry: Sharon Simes, St. Margaret’s, Bellevue
- Diocesan Council Holy C Regional Ministry: Robert Stevens, St. John the Baptist
- Diocesan Council at-large: The Rev. Courtney Jones, Christ Church, Anacortes
- Standing Committee lay order: Sherina James, Christ Church, Tacoma
- Standing Committee clergy order: The Rev. Sabeth Fitzgibbons, Trinity, Seattle
- Secretary of Convention: The Rev. Dr. Marda Steedman Sanborn
- Archivist & Records Manager: Erik Bauer
- Treasurer: James Beckwith
Three-year terms unless otherwise noted; officers elected annually.
- Chancellor: Judy Andrews
- Vice Chancellor: Bryan Krislock
- Assistant Chancellor: Rosemarie LeMoine
- Board of Directors: Marc Aubertin, Saint Mark’s Cathedral | David Piper, St. Stephen’s, Longview | The Rev. Katherine Sedwick, St. Michael & All Angels, Issaquah
- (reappointed) The Rev. Doyt Conn, Epiphany, Seattle (1-year unexpired term) | Clyde Summerville, Epiphany, Seattle (2-year unexpired term)
- Diocesan Council BIPOC: Abraham Atem, St. John’s South Sudanese, Tukwila
- Personnel Commission: The Rev. Elise Johnston, St. John the Baptist, Seattle (appointed as chair) | Diane Santiago, St. Andrew’s, Seattle | The Rev. Chuck Huff, St. David of Wales, Shelton.
- Disciplinary Board: The Rev. Katherine Sedwick, St. Michael & All Angels, Issaquah
- Church Attorney: Douglas Oles, Epiphany, Seattle
Updates to the Constitution & Canons
Proposals from the Committee on Constitution & Canons were adopted as submitted. A new version of the Constitution & Canons of the Diocese of Olympia will be published in early 2025.
2025 Diocesan Operating Budget
The 2025 diocesan operating budget, adopted by the Diocesan Council in August 2024, was ratified as presented.
Other Convention Events and Actions
Videos were shared of a Youth Sailing Trip, St. Luke’s, Seattle: Building a Place Where Love Dwells; and New Life: From St. George to Thornton Creek Commons.
Mission Station: The bishop recognized St. Michael South Sudanese Episcopal Church in Auburn as a new Mission Station in our diocese and recognized the Rev. Mary Bol as its vicar.
Bishop’s Cross awards: Bishop LaBelle presented the newly designed bishop’s cross to Mary McClellan-Aronen, Good Shepherd, Federal Way; Constance Lightbody, St. John’s, Kirkland; Mary Pneuman, St. Thomas, Medina; and, posthumously, to the Rev. Jerry Shigaki. Read the citations and watch the presentations here.
The 2025 annual convention is scheduled for Saturday, October 25, 2025, and will be fully online. A Convene event in Spring 2025 is being scheduled as well with details available in early 2025.