Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest

The 114th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

October 25-26 | Tacoma Convention Center and Marriott Hotel Downtown Tacoma

Rest. Engage. Pray. Over the last two years, we have been busily engaged in the work of transition, listening, discerning, and preparing to begin a new season as the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia. As we cross the threshold into a new life together with a new bishop, it’s tempting to rush forward without first taking stock of where we are and where we’re heading. Instead, let us heed Christ’s invitation: “Come to me, and I will give you rest.”

In this 114th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, join us as we come together after a season of transition to rest in Christ, to engage deeply in the meaningful work of the Diocese, and to pray together as a community, heeding the call of our Savior and striking out in a new direction together. Learn from one another at workshops, celebrate milestones in the life of our Diocese, worship with Episcopalians across Western Washington, and hear from Bishop LaBelle as he begins his journey with us in the Diocese.

Rest. Engage. Pray.

Congregation Admins: To simplify registration, congregations are asked to complete the Registration form for their entire delegation and submit it with a single payment covering the total amount due.

Individuals: To avoid duplicate payments, please check with your church office to see if you have already been registered. Use this form to pay your own individual registration if your church is NOT paying your expenses, or if you are a clergy person not formally connected to a congregation.

Have questions about the 2024 Diocesan Convention? Please contact Matt Koski, Resource Coordinator,

There is a block of rooms at a discounted rate for Convention Attendees. To book your room, visit:

Our room block at the Marriott Tacoma Downtown is filling fast. If you are unable to book at this hotel, we have an overflow block of rooms at the Courtyard Tacoma Downtown at the same rate of $169 that will be open for booking until Tuesday, October 15. To book your room, visit:

The 114th annual convention of the Diocese of Olympia will be held Friday-Saturday, October 25-26, 2024, at the Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, WA.

Applications for exhibit space are requested by October 4. A late fee will be required after that date. Registration will close the evening of October 11. Applications to exhibit will be processed on a first-received, first-assigned basis, based on the date payment is received; keeping in mind the Episcopal connection category.

If your group is paying via transfer from diocesan program fund, please select “Pay by Check” and then email Caleb Gomes at

The convention office has the authority to make the final determination as to which applicants fall within which categories and the amount of space to be allocated. If we do not accept your application, you will receive a full refund.

If you have any questions, please contact Caleb Gomes at

Episcopal Connection Categories

  1. Diocesan program, department, commission or committee.
  2. Institution, specialized ministry, religious order or other recognized diocesan ministry or organization.
  3. Group or program connected to or supported by congregations in the diocese (sales for outreach/non-profit purposes only).
  4. Group or program related to the Episcopal Church, which is a ministry of the wider church.
  5. Group, individual, vendor, program or business not connected to the Episcopal Church, OR, any group, regardless of category, selling products/services for profit.