Constance Lightbody: The Bishop's Cross Award

Since Constance (“Connie”) Lightbody retired as an educator and administrator and moved to Kirkland in 2006, she has not just served but truly embodied the very spirit of Christ in her life and ministry. Her quiet, unassuming, yet comprehensive service to Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Kirkland, the diocese, and the wider community is a testament to her deep connection with Christ’s spirit and dedication to the church’s mission.

The most recent example was in June, when Saint John’s preschool director was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, hospitalized for an operation to remove cancerous cells, and began the long process of chemotherapy. Connie volunteered, using her skills as an educator, to help manage the preschool. This is enabling the director to maintain her employment and to begin resuming her responsibilities as her treatments permit.

Connie’s journey at Saint John’s began as an office volunteer. Her gifts for finance and administration are abundant. Shortly after becoming a church member, she became an active leader, filling a vacant term on the vestry. She willingly offered her extensive professional experience to strengthen the parish, serving one year as Junior Warden, five years as Senior Warden, two years as Treasurer, five years as Finance Committee chair, and two years as Adult Education Committee chair.

Connie’s commitment to the parish’s mission is unwavering. It extends far beyond financial stewardship. She is active in the liturgical life of Saint John’s as an Altar Server, Chalice Bearer, Lector, and Intercessor. She regularly leads Morning Prayer virtually on Zoom. She served on the 2019 Rector Search Committee and stepped up as Senior Warden during the challenges of COVID-19, serving two difficult years at the height of the pandemic. She was a crucial support to and link between the new rector and the parish.

A College for Congregational Development graduate, Connie has also applied her leadership skills within the diocese, serving as a delegate to diocesan conventions and, since 2023, as a member of the Diocesan Standing Committee. Connie is a volunteer mentor for public educators and volunteers to prepare returns each tax season for those unable to afford tax advice.

Connie’s service exemplifies the “fine and imaginative Christian discipleship” that Bishop Bayne envisioned when establishing the Bishop’s Cross Award. Her dedication, leadership, and embodiment of Christ’s spirit make her an ideal candidate for this significant symbol of servant leadership.

It is my pleasure to present Constance Lightbody with the Bishop’s Cross Award.