Bishop’s Cross Award
Cindy & Larry Remick
St. Clare, Snoqualmie

Cindy & Larry Remick have been the hands and feet of Christ in the Snoqualmie Valley for over 13 years. The Remicks started attending St. Clare’s, Snoqualmie, when they purchased a vacation home at Snoqualmie Pass and Larry was still a practicing veterinarian in Edmonds. Cindy was the office manager. They have since retired and moved to North Bend.

Always deeply involved in Edmonds, they sponsored local youth programs, assisted with Animal Control issues, and annually held a pet food drive coordinated with the Edmonds Food Bank.

For many years they regularly visited the homeless encampment in Seattle offering clothes, food, and animal care to that population. In the diocese they were involved in the reorganizing of Cursillo into Come and See; Go and Tell.

Larry can always be found doing odd jobs around the church, ushering, and serving on the Bishop’s Committee. Cindy managed the church’s finances as they became self-supporting, no longer needing diocesan grants to supplement the budget. She is also gifted in creating sacred space as we deepen worship experiences.

They are active with St. Clare’s garden ministry to the Food Bank, they help fill kid’s backpacks each fall, feed the hungry, and organize twice-a-year disbursements from the outreach budget.

In 2020 they and another member of St. Clare’s dreamed of partnering with the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank to provide products not readily available through food sourcing agencies. What started as a quarterly pilot project expanded quickly when COVID hit. In March 2020 when toilet paper and soap was in short supply, St. Clare’s provided those desperately needed items. Through Cindy and Larry’s leadership the church now stores and then distribute core products monthly and have built relationships with clients. St. Clare’s Prayer Shawl Ministry knits hats and scarves which the group distributes during winter months. Cindy and Larry are year-round servants, and a gift to the church and to the community.

It is my great honor to award Cindy and Larry Remick with the Bishop’s Cross.