Exhibitor Information for Convene 2023
Bishop Search Committee
Contact: The Rev. Elizabeth Riley
The Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness
The Bishop’s Homeless Task Force is a group of dedicated lay and ordained people tasked with finding best practices to address homelessness and the crisis confronting all of us in the Diocese and building a knowledge base of resources and documenting ministries that work to help those who are unhoused that can be deployed throughout the Diocese.
Website: http://www.sun-ww.org
Contact: Jeffrey Boyce and Tina Polf
Circles of Color / Multicultural Ministries & Community Transformation
Contact: Adrienne Elliott
Chaplains on the Harbor
Contact: The Rev. Barbra Weza
Diocesan Creation Care and Climate Justice
Contact: Adrienne Elliott
The Diocese of Olympia’s Altar Guild
Contact: Sherry Garman
The Diocese of Olympia Archives
Contact: Erik Bauer
The Diocese of Olympia’s Finance Department
The Treasurer and Canon for Finance for the Diocese of Olympia are here to answer your questions.
Contact: Charles Thorne and Jim Beckwith
The Diocese of Olympia’s Resource Center
The Resource Center library responds to the vision and initiatives of the Diocese, as well as staples of
our life together, such as stewardship, liturgy, newcomers and seekers, etc. We have a small collection of
books for young children, as well as some curriculum for all ages. Browsers are welcome any time the building
is open; in addition, our collection is online, and we mail materials.
More Information: https://books.ecww.org/
Contact: Sue Tait
Edible Hope
Contact: Emilie Han
Faith Action Network
More Information: https://fanwa.org/
Contact: Blake Alford
Holy Hikes
The natural world is full of thin places where we can tune in to that-which-connects-us, deepen our bonds with Mother Earth, and discover ourselves in the company of fellow travelers. Holy Hikes calls us beyond the walls of comfort, to take a step, perhaps even a hike, towards reunion with the earth and all its life and beauty… People of all ages gather on trails up and down the I-5 corridor for a guided hike and to share readings from scripture, prayers, conversation, and time for reflection. It has been said that “people will protect what they love.” The ultimate goal of this ministry is to help individuals be renewed in their love-relationship with the earth, the universal church, and with their Creator.
More Information: https://www.facebook.com/people/Holy-Hikes-Western-Washington/100089380832234/
Contact: Alex Flannagan
Iona School
Contact: Thea Mirabella Maeve Wyatt
Order of the Daughters of the King
Contact: Roberta Newell
Seattle Seafarers Center
The Seattle Seafarers Center (Mission to Seafarers) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to welcome and care for international seafarers visiting Puget Sound. We provide that care through ship visits, chaplaincy, transportation, and offering communication tools and other basic necessities for seafarers. We also regularly engage in outreach with local communities to raise the visibility of seafarers. The Center was formed as a collaborative ecumenical partnership among the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, the Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle, and the Northwest Synod of the ELCA.
Website: https://www.mts-seattle.org/
Contact: Julia Cooper
Solterra Solar
Solterra Solar is a woman-owned, local Washington solar installation company headquartered in Seattle, with over 2,500 installations in Western Washington since 2008. Our team is composed of in-house electricians and apprentices ensuring the best installations possible. With a centralized focus on clean designs and superior turn-key customer experiences, Solterra Solar is the installer of choice for those who are looking to both mitigate climate change and save money.
Contact: The Rev. Kendall Haynes
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church / Resurrección, Mount Vernon
Ministry Opportunities in El Salvador: The Diocese of Olympia has had a close relationship with the Anglican Diocese of El Salvador and the Human Rights Defense organization, Cristosal for a long time. Information on what is going on and how you can get involved will be presented.
Website: https://cristosal.org/
Contact: The Rev. Paul Moore
Underhill House
“The peace, the presence, is everywhere — and your deliberate, humble practice of contemplation will teach you at last to find it. —Evelyn Underhill
Underhill House is a quiet space in inner-city Seattle where people can pause to pray or meditate. This opportunity to experience contemplative peace is available to all regardless of their personal situation, and their spiritual tradition or lack of one. We also offer active listening if someone needs it. Contemplative practice changes you. When you encounter the deeper reality beyond the material, you find a more grounded life, one that is less anxious, less grasping and, paradoxically, more productive. For many, this event is the beginning of, or a turning point in, their spiritual journey. This experience is accessible to anyone and most people don’t even know it — they think it’s for other people, or that it’s an illusion. Sharing it with people is a subversive act; it conflicts with many of the priorities our society promotes. (As Tricia Hersey says, “rest is radical.”) Underhill House holds a space for this to happen.”
More Information: http://underhillhouse.org
Contact: Phil Rose
No Listed Organization
Jody Sullivan