The preliminary schedule for the 112th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia.
7:00pm: Pre-Convention Virtual Event – Budget Presentation
Join members of the Budget & Finance Committee for an introduction to the 2023 operating budget to be ratified by the convention. Bring your questions.
7:00-9:00pm: Pre-Convention Virtual Event – Resolutions Hearing
Join hosts from the Resolutions Committee as well as sponsors of resolutions to ask questions for clarification and make comments about resolutions in advance of the formal discussion and debate during the convention business sessions.
7:00-9:00pm: Pre-Convention Virtual Event – Bishop Provisional Candidate Webinar Q&A
9:00am: Pre-convention activities: Onsite and online activities, including onsite workshops and exhibits, registration, on-demand videos & resources, and hearings as requested.
9:30am: Workshop Session 1
11:00am: Workshop Session 2
12:00pm: Lunch break
1:00pm: Pre-Convention activities continued.
1:00pm: Workshop Session 3
2:30pm: Convention Session 1
Call to Order / Welcome
Introduction to Convention Leadership / Certification of Quorums
Rules of Order / Declaration Convention Organized for Business
Adoption of Agenda
2:38pm: Opening Worship
2:50pm: Introduction to Convention Theme: Encountering Jesus in the Garden
Encountering Jesus in the Garden of the Universe
Encountering Jesus in the Garden of the World
Encountering Jesus in the Garden of the Anglican Communion
Encountering Jesus in the Garden of The Episcopal Church
Encountering Jesus in the Garden of the Diocese of Olympia
5:08pm: Evening Worship
5:38pm: Recess
6:30pm: Onsite buffet – optional, ticket purchase required / or dinner on own
8:30am: Convention Session 2
Call to Order
Opening Worship
Land Acknowledgement / Tech & Voting Introduction / Practice Votes
Election of Secretary / Appointment of Parliamentarian, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor
Congregations in Good Standing Status / St. Luke’s, Elma
Clergy & Staff transitions / Bishop Appointments
General Convention Actions Advisory / Preaching Award
Presentation: St. Mark’s Cathedral
Presentation: Episcopal Relief & Development
Report from the Committee on Nominations
Nominations for General Convention
First Round of Votes
Break / Exhibit Exploration
Report of the first ballot
Treasurer’s report / Budget 2023
Second round of votes
Resolutions Report, Part 1
Report on the second ballot
Presentation & Conversation: Racial Justice Audit
Third round of votes
Noonday prayers
11:45am: Lunch break / Exhibit Exploration
Call to order
Report of the third ballot
Fourth round of votes
Ky Chen awards
Bishop’s Cross awards
2021 Convention Resolutions: Progress Reports
Resolutions Report, Part II
Report on the fourth ballot
Constitution & Canons – debate & action
Video: Cathedral Foundation
Presentation: 2022 General Convention Deputation
Standing Committee Report / Bishop Provisional action
Recognitions / Announcements
2:30pm: Break / Reset for Eucharist
3:15pm: Convention Eucharist with Ordinations and the Bishop’s Address
4:45pm: Adjournment