October 25-26, 2024
Held at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center
114th Convention Agenda of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
- 9:00 am: Registration opens at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center (A.10)
- 10:00-11:00 am: Workshop Session 1
- 11:15 am-12:15 pm: Workshop Session 2
- 12:15 pm: Lunch (box lunch / ticket required) Ballroom foyer
- 1:00 pm: Convention Session 1 Ballroom
Call to Order / Welcome / Land Acknowledgement…Bishop Philip LaBelle
Introduction to convention leadership
Certification of quorums / Rules of Order & Privilege Report (A.3)
Declaration convention organized for business
Adoption of agenda (A.1)Plenary: The Church We Yearn For…Bishop Philip LaBelle
We long to be a part of something meaningful in our lives and to commit to making a difference. Join Bishop Phil as we discuss how the congregations in our Diocese can become the communities we long for and make a difference in our lives and in our world. - 2:30 pm: Break / Transition to workshop sessions 3 & 4
- 2:45-3:45 pm: Workshop Session 3
- 4:00-5:00 pm: Workshop Session 4
- 5:10 pm: Evening Prayer Ballroom
- 5:20 pm: Fellowship time / Exhibit exploration Ballroom foyer
- 6:30 pm: Dinner & Program (ticket required) Marriott Hotel Chambers Bay Room
- 7:30 am: Registration opens / Keypad pick-up
- 8:30 am: Holy Eucharist with Bishop’s Address and Rite of Healing Ballroom
- 10:00 am: Break / Exhibit Exploration
- 10:30 am: Convention Session 2 Ballroom
Call to Order…Bishop Philip LaBelle
Dispatch of Business report (A.3 )
Tech & Voting introduction (A.7) / Practice votes / Election of secretary
Office of the Bishop report on congregational status
Appointment of parliamentarian, chancellor, vice chancellor - 10:40 am: Report from the Committee on Nominations (B.2) or (B.3)…The Rev. Wesley Evans
First round of votes Keypads
Bishop appointments / Clergy & staff transitions (A.5) - 11:00 am: Treasurer’s report / Budget 2025 (C.1)…Jim Beckwith
Standing Committee Report…The Rev. Elise Johnstone
Presentation: Racial Justice Task Force…The Rev. Canon Carla Robinson
Video: 2024 Youth Sailing Trip…Naomi Woodrum, Nicole Silvernale, Jeff Zantek - 11:40 am: Report of the first ballot (B.4) / Second round of votes Keypads
Introduction of Mission Station…St. Michael South Sudanese Episcopal Church, Auburn
Announcement - 11:55 am: Noonday prayers…Chaplain Jonathan Weldon
- 12:00 pm: Lunch Break (buffet lunch / ticket required) Ballroom foyer
- 1:00 pm: Convention Session 3 Ballroom
Call to Order…Bishop Philip LaBelle
Bishop’s Cross awards
Report of the second ballot (B.4) / Third round of votes Keypads
Debate Introduction (A.7) (A.3) - 1:20 pm: Constitution & Canons report (E.1)…Douglas Oles
Video: St. Luke’s, Seattle: Building a Place Where Love Dwells - 1:45 pm: Resolutions Report (D.1)…The Rev. Jed Fox
- Resolution 1: 2026 Diocesan Assessment Rate
- Resolution 2: Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2025
- Resolution 3: A Call to the Church for Action Toward Ceasefire and a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine
- Courtesy Resolutions (D.2)
- 2:30 pm: Report of the third ballot (B.4) / Fourth round of votes Keypads
Personnel Commission Report (E.5)…The Rev. Elise Johnstone, Diane Santiago
Video: New Life: From St. George to Thornton Creek Commons
Presentation: Saint Mark’s Cathedral…The Very Rev. Steven Thomason
Presentation: Episcopal Relief & Development…Chuck Hamilton
Report: 2023 Resolution #3 Enhance Access to the Denominational Health Plan…The Rev. Elise Johnstone
Presentation: Parochial Report Revisions…The Rev. Kate Wesch
Report of the fourth ballot (B.4) - 3:15 pm: Exhibit Passport drawing…Bishop Philip LaBelle
48-hour Resolutions (D.3)…The Rev. Jed Fox
Recognitions / Announcements - 3:30 pm: Closing prayers
- 4:00 pm: Adjournment
*All times are approximate